Sylvan Justice
Trait -
Deal 2 damage to an enemy follower.
Put a Fairy into your hand.
Sylvan Justice
Trait -
Deal 2 damage to an enemy follower.
Put a Fairy into your hand.
Sylvan Justice
Trait -
Deal 2 damage to an enemy follower.
Put a Fairy into your hand.
Soothing Spell
Trait -
Restore 3 defense to an ally.
If at least 2 other cards were played this turn, recover 1 evolution point.
Soothing Spell
Trait -
Restore 3 defense to an ally.
If at least 2 other cards were played this turn, recover 1 evolution point.
Corrosive Thorns
Trait -
Summon a Fairy. If at least 2 other cards were played this turn, summon 2 instead.
Give all allied Fairies Clash: Deal 1 damage to the enemy follower.
Fairy Flowering
Trait -
Give an allied Forestcraft follower the ability to evolve for 0 evolution points.
If you have played cards using their Accelerate effect at least 2 times this match, draw a card.
Then, if at least 4 times, give the selected follower +2/+2.
Then, if at least 6 times, give it Storm.
Elemental Slash
Trait -
Deal 3 damage to an enemy follower.
If at least 4 other cards were played this turn, give +2/+1 to all allied followers.
Elemental Slash
Trait -
Deal 3 damage to an enemy follower.
If at least 4 other cards were played this turn, give +2/+1 to all allied followers.
Friendly Embrace
Trait Mach./Nat.
Fusion: Natura cards
Draw a card.
If this card is fused with at least 1 card, draw 2 instead and recover 1 play point.
Friendly Embrace
Trait Mach./Nat.
Fusion: Natura cards
Draw a card.
If this card is fused with at least 1 card, draw 2 instead and recover 1 play point.
Tree of Wonders
Trait -
Fusion: Fairies
Countdown (3)
At the end of your turn, activate 1 of the following effects in order. If this amulet is fused with at least 1 card, activate 2 effects instead.
1. Draw a card.
2. Summon a Fairy and give it Ward.
3. Restore 2 defense to your leader.