Erralde, Troth Convict

Unevolved Erralde, Troth Convict
Erralde, Troth Convict
Evolved Erralde, Troth Convict
Erralde, Troth Convict
  • Unevolved



    Accelerate (1): Restore 2 defense to your leader. If any allied cards that cost at least 6 play points or any allied Condemned cards are in play, draw a card.
    Fanfare: Destroy 2 enemy followers. Give your leader the following effect: At the end of your turn, if any allied cards that cost at least 6 play points or any allied Condemned cards are in play, restore 2 defense to your leader and draw a card. (This effect is not stackable and lasts for the rest of the match.)

    This world is a divine cage, and we are bound by heavy chains of faith and trust in a higher power—unneeded and unworthy of devotion. I shall break the wings of the angels themselves and throw them down to earth. Then shall I brand them with the mark of Juratio.

  • Evolved



    Salvation is a fiction. Am I depraved, or is the divine to blame? I suppose it might be worth my time to find out—after I pull the gods down. I will be the one to brand you and decide your punishment. Forge the oath, blessed signet Juratio.

Card Details
  • Trait: Condemned
  • Class: Havencraft
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Create: -
  • Liquefy:


  • Card Pack: -