Lazuli, Gateway Liberator

Unevolved Lazuli, Gateway Liberator
Lazuli, Gateway Liberator
Evolved Lazuli, Gateway Liberator
Lazuli, Gateway Liberator
  • Unevolved



    Fanfare: Put 2 Radiant Artifacts into your deck and change their costs to 1. Put a random 1-play-point spell from your deck into your hand. If at least 6 different allied Artifact cards have been destroyed this match, recover 1 evolution point.

    Retrafia, you too are one of the Sky Fiends—those who created me. Thus, I will resist you with all my might! The Sky Fiends shall bring sorrow upon this land no longer!
    —Lazuli, A Hero's Tale, Pt. 6

  • Evolved



    If the three of us lend our strength to Evamia, we can break through the Celestial Castle's barrier. But of all the people, who would've thought that you'd join our side—Carnelia, servant of Hollow Chaos.
    —Lazuli, A Hero's Tale, Pt. 6

Card Details
  • Trait: Artifact
  • Class: Portalcraft
  • Rarity: Gold
  • Create: -
  • Liquefy:


    / 600 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Rivenbrandt