Meowskers, Ruff-Tuff Major

Unevolved Meowskers, Ruff-Tuff Major
Meowskers, Ruff-Tuff Major
Evolved Meowskers, Ruff-Tuff Major
Meowskers, Ruff-Tuff Major
  • Unevolved



    Strike: Deal 1 damage to the enemy leader.

    "We have to take care of that root-brute Vile Mother!"
    Forever loyal, forever determined.
    "Lord Valdain's plan depends on it!"
    He faithfully carries out his orders, confidence guiding his path.

  • Evolved



    (Same as the unevolved form.)

    "I'm a major, you hear! Nothing scares me!"
    His chest puffs out in a display of bravado.
    "I'll make Lord Valdain hop-poppin' proud if it's the last thing I do!"
    The major rushes off, keen to attend to his duties.

Card Details
  • Trait: Natura
  • Class: Havencraft
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Create: -
  • Liquefy:


  • Card Pack: -