Majestic Sorcery

Unevolved Majestic Sorcery
Majestic Sorcery
  • Spellboost: Subtract 1 from the cost of this card.
    Whenever you play a Mysteria card, subtract 1 from the cost of this card.
    Deal 5 damage to all enemy followers.
    Randomly summon copies of different allied Mysteria followers that have left play this match until your area is full and give them Storm.

    "If you think it's just the two of us, you're in for a shock!"
    "The whole academy is behind us! Witness our combined strength!"
    —Anne & Grea, Royal Duo

Card Details
  • Trait: Mysteria
  • Class: Runecraft
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Create: -
  • Liquefy:


  • Card Pack: -