Quixotic Adventurer

Unevolved Quixotic Adventurer
Quixotic Adventurer
Evolved Quixotic Adventurer
Quixotic Adventurer
  • Unevolved



    Fanfare: Summon a Dutiful Steed. If it is your fifth turn or later, summon a Bullet Bike instead.

    "Why do I travel, you ask? To experience the thrill and joy of adventure, of course."
    "I doubt the varmints you encounter think the same."
    "Aw, that's what my partner here is for! Together we can get through anything!" —Wasteland Journal, Interview 1

  • Evolved



    "Wayfarers have spotted her galloping across the desert astride her trusty steed. She prances through perils as if it's a square dance, laughing and carefree. One look at her is enough to ignite the spark of adventure in your heart." —Wasteland Journal, Interview 1 Follow-Up

Card Details
  • Trait: -
  • Class: Neutral
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Create: -
  • Liquefy:


  • Card Pack: Promo