Goblin Reaper

Unevolved Goblin Reaper
Goblin Reaper
Evolved Goblin Reaper
Goblin Reaper
  • Unevolved



    Fanfare: Summon a Goblin King and Goblin. Give them Bane and Last Words - Deal 1 damage to the enemy leader and restore 1 defense to your leader.
    Enhance (7): Evolve them and this follower.
    Last Words: Deal 1 damage to the enemy leader and restore 1 defense to your leader.

    An errant goblin stumbles upon a scythe cast away by a weary reaper. Hefting it in his small, knotted hands, he feels a monumental power course through him.
    "Now, I bring peace to kin."

  • Evolved



    (Same as the unevolved form, excluding Fanfare.)

    Though he gained the power of a god, the goblin reaper has yet retained the intelligence of a lower beast. Incapable of grasping the finality of death, he continues to render peace unto his kind at the cost of all their future joys.

Card Details
  • Trait: -
  • Class: Shadowcraft
  • Rarity: Gold
  • Create: 800
  • Liquefy:


    / 600 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Resurgent