Princess of Gratitude

Unevolved Princess of Gratitude
Princess of Gratitude
Evolved Princess of Gratitude
Princess of Gratitude
  • Unevolved



    Last Words: Draw a card.

    I can't farm or craft or fight, and yet my people pay homage to me. They keep me fed, clothed, and protected—simply because I was born their princess. The least I can do is keep smiling for them.

  • Evolved



    Evolve: Put a random 1-play-point follower from your deck into play.
    Last Words: Draw a card.

    Once upon a time, there was a princess. She had no skill except to smile, and yet was a better ruler than the grasping, Machiavellian aristocrats. For as she loved her people, they loved her—and under the warmth of her gaze, all gladly labored and prospered.

Card Details
  • Trait: Commander
  • Class: Swordcraft
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Create: 50
  • Liquefy:


    / 30 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Resurgent