Gruinne, Leonardian Provost

Unevolved Gruinne, Leonardian Provost
Gruinne, Leonardian Provost
Evolved Gruinne, Leonardian Provost
Gruinne, Leonardian Provost
  • Unevolved



    Fanfare: Summon a Magic Sediment.
    At the start of your opponent's turn, if the total allied Stack count in play is at least 3, put a Veridic Ritual into your hand.

    As the ash settled and the colorful light faded, the Leonardian Provost, Gruinne, stepped forward.
    "It would be a shame to end the night so soon. Allow me to contribute a spell of my own."
    —Mysteria and Leonard's Magic Mixer, Part 8

  • Evolved



    Evolve: Add 1 to an allied Stack in play. Give -1/-1 to all enemy followers.
    At the start of the opponent's turn, if the total allied Stack count in play is at least 3, put a Veridic Ritual into your hand.

    Gruinne cast a circle of magic over the party—but it was devoid of any runes or glyphs. She grinned at the bewildered students, and motioned the Mysterian prodigy Anne forward. "Care to help me?"
    —Mysteria and Leonard's Magic Mixer, Part 9

Card Details
  • Trait: Academic
  • Class: Runecraft
  • Rarity: Silver
  • Create: 200
  • Liquefy:


    / 120 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Academy