Lucius, Travelled Trainer

Unevolved Lucius, Travelled Trainer
Lucius, Travelled Trainer
Evolved Lucius, Travelled Trainer
Lucius, Travelled Trainer
  • Unevolved



    Fanfare: If your leader's class is Forestcraft or Runecraft, recover 1 play point. If it's Shadowcraft or Portalcraft, summon 2 Ghosts. If it's Swordcraft or Dragoncraft, destroy an enemy follower. If it's Bloodcraft or Havencraft, restore 3 defense to your leader.

    "I shall act as guide to those in need! Certainly, there are others struggling to find their way, just as I once did."
    And so, he who wandered many walks of life saw that his true calling was not that of a knight, but of a teacher.

  • Evolved



    Evolve: If the enemy leader's class is Forestcraft or Runecraft, recover 2 play points. If it's Shadowcraft or Portalcraft, summon 2 Ancient Artifacts. If it's Swordcraft or Dragoncraft, destroy an enemy amulet. If it's Bloodcraft or Havencraft, deal 4 damage to the enemy leader.

    ...And that is why I felt it important for students to visit other countries and expand their horizons. Now, that's enough out of me. Let's hear all the things you experienced on the program!
    —Exchange Program Afterparty, Opening Ceremony

Card Details
  • Trait: Academic
  • Class: Neutral
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Create: 3,500
  • Liquefy:


    / 2,500 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Academy