Storm-Wracked First Mate

Unevolved Storm-Wracked First Mate
Storm-Wracked First Mate
Evolved Storm-Wracked First Mate
Storm-Wracked First Mate
  • Unevolved



    Fanfare: Put a Gilded Necklace into your hand. If you've fused or played at least 7 Loot cards this match, put a Dread Pirate's Flag into your hand instead.
    Whenever you play a Loot card, summon a Marine Raider.

    Dad's too soft. Why can't we kill evil people? Or steal for a just reason? It's so inefficient, and obsolete... like this ship. I can't do anything I want. There's no freedom to be had here.
    —Hall of Virtue: Memories of a Convict, Part 5

  • Evolved



    Evolve: Subtract 1 from the cost of a Loot card in your hand.
    Whenever you play a Loot card, summon a Cannoneer.

    If we kill our enemies, they won't come back for revenge. If we steal from the people, we can offset our losses. The results speak for themselves. The real thief was my father—for trying to take away my freedom!
    —Hall of Virtue: Memories of a Convict, Part 6

Card Details
  • Trait: Ofcr./Cdmn.
  • Class: Swordcraft
  • Rarity: Gold
  • Create: 800
  • Liquefy:


    / 600 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Azvaldt