Pazuzu, Noxious Gale

Unevolved Pazuzu, Noxious Gale
Pazuzu, Noxious Gale
Evolved Pazuzu, Noxious Gale
Pazuzu, Noxious Gale
  • Unevolved



    Fusion: Followers that originally cost at least 6 play points
    Fanfare: If this card is fused with at least 2 cards, deal 6 damage to all enemy followers. Then, if fused with at least 4 cards, deal 6 damage to the enemy leader. Then, if fused with at least 6 cards, draw 6 cards and recover 6 play points.

    By incorporating a demon fowl into itself, this amalgamation of beasts has immeasurably increased its power. Other beasts bow before it, cowed by its noxious gales. The chimera sends its minions out, scattered to the four winds, to do its bidding.

  • Evolved



    The chimera need not sully its claws to rip apart its prey; nor does it need to weaken it with poison. Now it has only to give an order, and its will shall be done. It is beyond a mere amalgamation of beasts: it is a god of darkness—nay—'tis darkness itself.

Card Details
  • Trait: -
  • Class: Bloodcraft
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Create: 3,500
  • Liquefy:


    / 2,500 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Dragonblade