Mordecai, Unending Duelist

Unevolved Mordecai, Unending Duelist
Mordecai, Unending Duelist
Evolved Mordecai, Unending Duelist
Mordecai, Unending Duelist
  • Unevolved



    When this follower comes into play, if it is at least the fourth allied Mordecai, Unending Duelist to come into play this match, evolve it.
    Can't be evolved using evolution points. (Can be evolved using card effects.)
    Can't be targeted by enemy effects.

    How many battles fought? How many intimate dances with death? His swordsmanship unparalleled, his will to conquer indomitable—the words to his eternal oath are etched deep into his bones, the fire in his eyes unabated. So long as there is strife, his fight goes on.

  • Evolved



    Can't be targeted by enemy effects.
    While this follower is in play, your leader has the following effect: Reduce damage to your leader to 0.
    Whenever your leader takes damage, deal X damage to this follower. X equals the amount of damage reduced to 0.
    Last Words: Give your leader the following effect - At the start of your opponent's next turn, summon a Mordecai, Unending Duelist, then remove this effect. (This effect is not stackable.)

    All battles have a conclusion. How many battles, then, must the specter of death fight before he departs for the otherworld? Not a soul knows the answer, though we pray that the proud duelist one day finds the satisfying end that he seeks.

Card Details
  • Trait: -
  • Class: Shadowcraft
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Create: 3,500
  • Liquefy:


    / 2,500 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Godwyrm