If this card is discarded from your hand, put 2 Paracelise, Demon of Greeds into your deck.
Invocation: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 cards in your hand, invoke this card.
When this follower comes into play, deal 2 damage to the enemy leader, restore 2 defense to your leader, and draw a card.
Here, our philosophy is to shake up the old system with the revolutionary. Our payment system has been well received by our guests, and it's perfectly legal. In exchange for your life, enjoy your first and final taste of true pleasure.
Evolve: Discard 3 random cards from your hand. Deal 5 damage to an enemy follower.
Ah... It's all being stripped away... My everything... Hahaha! That's right! How... how could I have forgotten? We hoard and we save... so that we can lavish it all away!
—A Lord Returning to His Roots
/ 2,500 (Animated)