Cosmic Angel

Unevolved Cosmic Angel
Cosmic Angel
Evolved Cosmic Angel
Cosmic Angel
  • Unevolved



    Invocation: At the end of your turn, if you have at least 5 play points, invoke this card.
    Fanfare: Give your leader the following effect - The next time your leader takes damage, reduce that damage to 0.
    Last Words: Restore 3 defense to your leader.

    Thousands of stars adorn the velvet dark. Ah, what a truly beloved sight. Within each of these pinpricks of light dwell countless souls. I could watch the infinitesimal lives of these adorable creatures play out until the end of time.

  • Evolved



    (Same as the unevolved form, excluding Fanfare.)

    Unforgivable. Utterly inexcusable. Only rapture can still the ebb and flow of these countless lives. Any other end would sully the great work of the cosmos. I shall dedicate my life to ensuring that does not pass.

Card Details
  • Trait: -
  • Class: Neutral
  • Rarity: Gold
  • Create: 800
  • Liquefy:


    / 600 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Renascent