Fanfare: Put a random follower with Last Words that costs 2 play points or less from your deck into play.
Last Words: Restore 1 defense to your leader.
Thanks for using our speedy resurrection package! We hope you enjoy your stay in the land of the living, where love and hatred mingle like flesh on bone! And don't worry about any "accidents" that might happen—we offer optional insurance plans too!
Evolve: Put a random follower with Last Words that costs 2 play points or less from your deck into play.
Last Words: Restore 1 defense to your leader.
The living world is a popular travel destination for otherworlders, you see! Come through the gates any time you like—there's always something for everyone! Business is just getting off the ground, but we're aiming to attract some VIP patrons in time!
/ 600 (Animated)