Shady Priest

Unevolved Shady Priest
Shady Priest
Evolved Shady Priest
Shady Priest
  • Unevolved



    Crystallize (1): Countdown (2)
    Last Words: Banish a random enemy follower.
    Whenever an allied amulet comes into play, banish a random enemy follower.

    I must confess my hate for that man. No thanks to him and his hired goons, I hardly see any more customers in the shop. Ah, please forgive my worldliness and avarice...
    —Eidos Church Confessional 2

  • Evolved



    Evolve: Put a random follower with Crystallize or amulet with Countdown from your deck into your hand.
    Whenever an allied amulet comes into play, banish a random enemy follower.

    We're looking for a band of would-be thugs and their employer, likely drifters. They've been robbing the church of potential donations... Brand them with the mark of the church as punishment.
    —Anvelt, Eidos Church Minister

Card Details
  • Trait: -
  • Class: Havencraft
  • Rarity: Silver
  • Create: 200
  • Liquefy:


    / 120 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Rivayle