Marionette Expert

Unevolved Marionette Expert
Marionette Expert
Evolved Marionette Expert
Marionette Expert
  • Unevolved



    Last Words: Put a Puppet into your hand.

    Witness the Two of Cups, flowing in unison. Bound as they are, the two souls steal gazes at each other when the master isn't looking. Though this affair may be fleeting, their lovestruck hearts yearn for an encore.

  • Evolved



    (Same as the unevolved form.)

    Greetings from the puppet master, tugger of heartstrings. See, people bemoan the rifts that drive them apart. But I warp space so they may come together... So what if the joy I bring is manufactured? It's real to them, and that's all that matters.

Card Details
  • Trait: -
  • Class: Portalcraft
  • Rarity: Bronze
  • Create: 50
  • Liquefy:


    / 30 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Fortune