Aerin, Forever Brilliant

Unevolved Aerin, Forever Brilliant
Aerin, Forever Brilliant
Evolved Aerin, Forever Brilliant
Aerin, Forever Brilliant
  • Unevolved



    Once on each of your turns, when you play a card using its Accelerate effect, restore 2 defense to your leader and recover 1 evolution point.

    Ice crystals are pure. They reflect a person's true colors. The wicked will simply freeze. But for those who are true of heart...
    "You're... an interesting one. Here, I'll lend you a hand."

  • Evolved



    Evolve: Put a random follower with Accelerate from your deck into your hand.
    Once on each of your turns, when you play a card using its Accelerate effect, restore 2 defense to your leader and recover 1 evolution point.

    She, too, is pure. As she changes company, so do her colors shift. Before villains, she turns pale with rage. But before the like-hearted, she sparkles with radiance.
    "Crystalia's light guide us!"

Card Details
  • Trait: -
  • Class: Forestcraft
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Create: 3,500
  • Liquefy:


    / 2,500 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Fortune