Miyako, Pudding Poltergeist

Unevolved Miyako, Pudding Poltergeist
Miyako, Pudding Poltergeist
Evolved Miyako, Pudding Poltergeist
Miyako, Pudding Poltergeist
  • Unevolved



    Fanfare: The next time this follower takes damage, reduce that damage to 0.
    Union Burst (10): Put a Pudding Time into your hand.

    Ooooh! Wooooh! I'm a scaaary ghooost who sends all the little kids running! Give me pudding or I'll haaauuunt yooouuu!

  • Evolved



    I don't remember how I became a ghost. At first I thought I should go toward the light, but once I tasted pudding, I changed my mind!

Card Details
  • Trait: -
  • Class: Shadowcraft
  • Rarity: Gold
  • Create: 800
  • Liquefy:


    / 600 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Colosseum