Palla, Student Teacher

Unevolved Palla, Student Teacher
Palla, Student Teacher
Evolved Palla, Student Teacher
Palla, Student Teacher
  • Unevolved



    Fanfare: Put a Burgeoning Genius into your hand.

    My name is Palla. I'm a student teacher, in charge of the light arts. I'm... pleased to meet you. What? I look angry? No, I... I'm sorry. That's just my usual expression...

  • Evolved



    Evolve: Subtract 1 from the cost of a Mysteria card in your hand.

    I'm still pretty green... and people tell me I seem standoffish. But I want to help you all realize your full potential. So, um... N-now... watch closely! Ah... that's not it. How does Miss Miranda do that?

Card Details
  • Trait: Mysteria
  • Class: Runecraft
  • Rarity: Silver
  • Create: 200
  • Liquefy:


    / 120 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Altersphere