Rayne, Elf Smith

Unevolved Rayne, Elf Smith
Rayne, Elf Smith
Evolved Rayne, Elf Smith
Rayne, Elf Smith
  • Unevolved



    People call me the best blacksmith in the forest. Humph, it's not like I'm amazing or anything, everyone else here is just sloppy.

  • Evolved



    Evolve: If you've played at least 3 cards this turn, give another allied follower +1/+0 and Rush. Reduce damage to that follower to 0 until the end of the turn.

    I-I'm sorry for being mean! I mean, I thought that blacksmiths were supposed to act cool and stuff... Was I wrong? Is this why I have no friends?

Card Details
  • Trait: -
  • Class: Forestcraft
  • Rarity: Gold
  • Create: 800
  • Liquefy:


    / 600 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Chronogenesis