Soul Dealer

Unevolved Soul Dealer
Soul Dealer
Evolved Soul Dealer
Soul Dealer
  • Unevolved



    Fanfare: Deal X damage to your leader. X equals half your leader's defense (rounded down).

    If you wish to be protected from this abominable light, then give your soul—half your life—to the darkness. Do so, and the devil will rise from the darkness and stain this awful light a beautiful jet black.

  • Evolved



    (Same as the unevolved form, excluding Fanfare.)

    Blood is not sufficient. Flesh will not satisfy. The devil demands your soul, and he will offer you great things in return. Come now—the light will not satisfy your urges.

Card Details
  • Trait: -
  • Class: Bloodcraft
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Create: 3,500
  • Liquefy:


    / 2,500 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Classic