Prince of Darkness

Unevolved Prince of Darkness
Prince of Darkness
Evolved Prince of Darkness
Prince of Darkness
  • Unevolved



    Fanfare: Replace your deck with an Apocalypse Deck.

    The would-be usurper of Heaven, cast into the pits of Hell, has risen again in a cloak of flame. Soon this underworld king shall spark an apocalypse that paints all mortals and gods in blood.

  • Evolved



    The king of the underworld and his gathered armies of darkness reveled in the coming of the day of revelation. Chaos and destruction tore through the world in a dance of madness, staining all in despair.

Card Details
  • Trait: -
  • Class: Neutral
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Create: 3,500
  • Liquefy:


    / 2,500 (Animated)

  • Card Pack: Classic