• About Shadowverse Portal



This website is a tool for building and sharing Shadowverse decks.

How to Use Shadowverse Portal

1 Signing In

Sign In

To save, share, and otherwise manage your custom decks sign in below.

2 Cards

Card List

On the Card List page, it's possible to search for cards and view detailed information about each one.

Searching for Cards

Search for cards by name, class, cost, type, or rarity.

To search by attack, defense, or other details, click Advanced Search.

Viewing Cards

There are two different ways to view cards: card view and effect view.

Card Details

In card view, you can click on a card to view more details.

3 Building Decks

Deck Builder

On the Deck Builder page, you can use any of the cards in Shadowverse to make a deck.

Choose Class

To make your own custom deck, first select a class. The Deck Builder page will then be displayed.

Using the Deck Builder

To find cards for your deck, conduct a basic card search on the Deck Builder screen.

To see details of a card, hover over the magnifying glass icon. To see even more details, click on the icon.

Saving a completed deck

Once there are 40 cards in your deck, give it a name and then tap Save Changes.

Changes will only be saved if you are signed in.

4 Creating a Deck Code

Creating a Deck Code

Decks made in Shadowverse Portal can be imported into the Shadowverse app. To create an import code, go to the Deck Details page of Shadowverse Portal and tap Create Deck Code.

Then enter this code into the Shadowverse app. Only cards that you have in the app will be included in the app's version of the deck.

5 Entering a Deck Code

Entering a Deck Code

Decks created within the Shadowverse app can be viewed and edited in Shadowverse Portal by entering its deck code.

Imported decks will appear on the Deck Builder screen.